Thriving Forward Project

Critical Development Years

Young people begin taking on adult responsibilities between the ages of 16-24.  Employment is an important part of youth development, and early exposure to the working world is a key predictor of consistent employment in adulthood. A lot of young people rely on low wage jobs to pay for their own basic needs or to support families or pay for their education. 

Youth of color experience even higher unemployment rates, deepening existing racial inequities, requiring significant investments to reverse.

This is why we focus our efforts on preparing youth for more promising opportunities through career trainings, summer internships, entry-level and year-round employment and other favorable career experiences.

Early Career Webinars and Training Sessions

Our Youth Career Specialists and trauma-informed Life Coaches, with their own unique lived experiences, will level the playing field and help to bridge the wealth gap by accelerating the professional development of young, minority trauma survivors who are close to, or recently reentering society.

Our collective efforts elevate our young participants to become stronger candidates for more promising futures through customized workshops that target their various stages of career planning.


  • Resume and Cover Letter Writing

In addition to sharing helpful tips on entry-level resume design and structure, we address Applicant Tracking Systems and how to write an ATS-friendly resume, by summarizing previous work and life experiences using the same keywords & skills that employers are using in their specific job descriptions and online applications. We give direction on what information should be included in cover letters and email outreach.  We also share how to highlight unique lived experiences & achievements to set them apart from other applicants.

  • Linkedin Profiles and Features

We share the best digital practices for marketing the most hirable versions of ourselves online, including detailed discussions on the importance of including key skills, appropriate photos, impressive life summaries, experiences, education and endorsements.  We also discuss the importance of networking and review how to grow online connections for future opportunities. Our youth will learn how to summarize their life & work experiences into quick “elevator pitches” and talk through the other free resources & services available on Linkedin.

  • Interview Preparation & Common Questions

We  discuss how professionals prepare for an interview in advance, how to explore an industry of interest, how to prepare your own interview questions and what a good follow-up plan looks like.  We discuss ways to research a company and specific role, as well as how to come prepared with unique questions for the hiring manager. We practice answering tough interview questions, anticipate the questions that are most likely to catch us off guard and learn how to summarize interests and experiences into concise soundbites.

  • Networking

We discuss the importance of networking and also share strategies for building online connections who can sponsor and/or mentor. We encourage our young people to explore industries and professionals they admire, gain confidence reaching out to connections online and explore how to envision their own career paths that will ensure a more financially stable and successful future.